
Hyatt Regency Seattle

The ISCFS Congress Hotel Hyatt Regency Seattle is located in the heart of the Emerald City and is the first LEED Gold certified hotel in the city. It is close to Lake Union and Elliott Bay and just a few steps from restaurants, shopping, theaters and top attractions.

808 Howell Street
Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: +1 206 973 1234

Reserved room block at the venue hotel is limited. In order to receive the reduced room fee negotiated for the congress, we encourage early reservations.

Guestrooms ranging from 320 to 460 square feet and suites spanning 635 to 1,800 square feet, featuring either a king bed or two queen beds, oversized windows overlooking the city and surrounding area, and a workspace.

Check-in 4:00 PM
Check-out 11:00 AM

Room Type Single Rate Double Rate Triple Rate Quad Rate
Double Queen

Hotel room rates are subject to tax (currently 15.7%), applicable service fees (currently $2.00 tourism fee), and any special hotel fees in effect.
Suites are available on request.

Why should I stay at the ISCFS congress hotel?

Stay at the Congress Hotel, where all Scientific Sessions are taking place, and interact with friends and colleagues. ISCFS is committed to guaranteeing a large room block of high-quality rooms in order to book the meeting space and receive competitive room rates.

We understand that you have a number of hotel options in Seattle. However, we would very much appreciate your booking at the Congress Hotel.

Thank you for your support!

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