Speaker Instructions

On behalf of ISCFS President, Dr. Richard Hopper, and our Scientific Program Committee, thank you to all our presenters.

Key Dates

July 21, 2023 | Advance powerpoint Upload Opens
September 3, 2023 | Midnight PDT | Deadline to Upload Presentations to online Speaker Ready Room
September 4, 2023 | 4:00 pm PDT | Onsite Speaker Ready Room Opens


Presenting authors are required to register for the meeting and pay the required registration fees. If the original presenting author is unable to present live in Seattle, another co-author on the paper may present in their place.

Please contact admin@iscfs.org by July 15, 2023 with any author changes.
For more information about registration, please visit: Registration.


Speakers | Invited Faculty & Free Papers

All Free Paper Abstracts will be published on the Congress website as originally submitted. ISCFS cannot make edits or additions to the abstract text. If any corrections to the title or author listing are needed such changes are accepted only until July 1st, 2023.

  • All presentations must be presented as scheduled.
  • Presentations must be in 16:9 format (widescreen).
  • Presentations should be a PowerPoint (media and special fonts must be embedded).
  • If you use Keynote, we ask that you send us the file as early as possible so we can check it and assist with any issues. These files will open onsite with a different program so the layout may change, and you should check it on site in our speaker ready room at the Hyatt Hotel.
  • For those presenting PowerPoints with media, please check the following page: Tips for improving audio and video playback and compatibility
  • Timing needs to be very strict. The green light will turn yellow at one minute remaining and the microphone will be cut off if you talk more than 30 seconds after the solid red light appears.
  • Please practice you talk to ensure it fits within the assigned time.
  • 3-minute presentations should have no more than 6 slides. 6-minute presentations no more than 12 slides.
  • In most cases a background slide is not needed. You will be talking to an experienced audience and the entire session is focused on the same subject.
  • Focus the time you have instead on your 1-3 key take home points that you want the audience to remember.
  • Take a seat on the podium after your talk for the discussion period.
  • Please use the provided presentation template for your lecture. Presentations must follow the slide format below:
    • 1st Slide – Must include title and speaker name.
    • 2nd Slide – Must include disclosures of all financial relationships with ineligible companies. If you have nothing to declare, please state:
      I do not have any financial relationships.

Please note: An “ineligible company” is one whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.

Online Speaker Ready Room

Presentations can be uploaded to the online Speaker Ready Room starting today. Click HERE to access the upload-site.

Questions:  If you have technical questions with your presentation upload, please contact our technical team: benstriloff.iscfs2023@gmail.com

Onsite Speaker Ready Room

Even if you have uploaded your presentation prior to your arrival at the Congress, please visit the Speaker Ready Room to do a final check of your presentation. This must be done at least 2 hours before your session starts, or the evening before for early morning presentations.

General Technical Information:
For your presentation, we will provide a lectern, microphone, slide advancer, laptop computer, and a projector in each room.
PowerPoint/Keynote is the only communication tool available in all session halls.
Overhead projection, slide projection or flipcharts are not available.

  1. Speakers are kindly asked to observe that only computers provided by the congress may be used for showing your presentations. All presentations must be uploaded remotely in advance and then checked again in the Speaker Ready Room on-site to give the final approval.
  2. All presentations are loaded into a presentation handling system that will store and distribute your presentation to the session hall in time for your session.
  3. All presentations should be checked carefully at the Speaker ready room at least 2 hours before the session starts.
  4. The staff of the Speaker Ready Room will load your presentation into the system so that it will be available at the lectern in your session hall when you come to speak.
    If you are giving more than one talk during the congress, you may upload all your presentations at the same time, and they will be sent to their corresponding session halls at the time of your sessions.
  5. The supported data media are: USB-Memory (Stick). You can also plug in your own laptop to upload your presentation at the Speaker Ready Room. If necessary Speaker Ready can download you presentation or accept an Air Drop however due to WIFI speeds a USB Stick is more reliable. Please note that ALL files are needed – including any video or movie files, you must have video files readily available in case they are not fully embedded! Presentations can also be taken off speakers’ notebooks at the Speaker ready room.
  6. The fonts that are used in the presentations should be „Latin-based fonts“. If the speaker needs special fonts, they should be stored as „embedded fonts“ within the presentation (File -> save as „name of presentation“ and under „tools“ ->save options mark the checkbox „embed True type fonts“ and select „embed all characters“).
  7. Presentations should be saved as „*.ppt“, “*.pptx” (= PowerPoint) or „*.pps“,*.ppsx“ (=PowerPoint Slideshow) – file and movies might be separate files on the data media (if not embedded). 
  8. Due to the requirement given out by the organizer all computers and projectors will be set up and optimized for 16:9 ratio (mostly 1920×1080 resolution). Please update to these specifications to have a well-prepared presentation.

Poster Instructions

  1. Posters will only be accepted in paper format no larger than 4 by 4 feet (1.22 by 1.22 meters).
  2. A template can be found on the button below.
  3. It is required that you disclose any conflicts of interest on your poster – after your conclusions in the bottom right-hand corner. If you do not have any disclosures, simply write “No conflict of interest to disclose.”
  4. We recommend that you bring your poster with you, but if you need to print the poster in Seattle there is a FedEx printing office at the hotel (+1 206 717-3791 or +1 206 491-5545 – or via the online platform at discounted ISCFS rates: https://docstore.fedex.com/hco5744) or alternatively a FASTSIGNS printing company (fastsigns.com) within walking distance (1515 9th Ave, Unit 4). You will need to contact these companies yourself and not through the ISCFS. We recommend contacting them early enough to ensure your poster will be ready.  FedEx requires at least 72 hours.
  5. Your poster will be assigned one day to hang and present your work. The list of assigned days is on the congress website.
  6. All posters must be hung on the assigned poster board location (by poster number) before the first coffee break of the day, and all must be removed at the end of the last session of the same day.
  7. Presenters should stand by their posters during the lunch break on their assigned day. Box lunches will be served close to the posters to encourage people to enjoy the poster rooms.
  8. Judging for Best Poster Award will take place during lunch each day.


The 20th Congress of ISCFS is CME accredited. It is therefore essential that the presentations are free of any commercial influence. References to commercial products must use their generic name or be balanced by referring to other similar products.


All podium presentations and posters must disclose all financial relationships with ineligible companies from the past 24 months. There is no minimum financial threshold; we ask that you disclose all financial relationships, regardless of the amount, with ineligible companies. You should disclose all financial relationships regardless of the potential relevance of each relationship to the education.

Please note: An “ineligible company” is one whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.

Financial relationships include employee, researcher, consultant, advisor, speaker, independent contractor (including contracted research), royalties or patent beneficiary, executive role, and ownership interest. Individual stocks and stock options should be disclosed; diversified mutual funds do not need to be disclosed. Research funding from ineligible companies should be disclosed by the principal or named investigator even if that individual’s institution receives the research grant and manages the funds.

If you have any questions,
feel free to contact us

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