2:25 – 4:20 PM

Room: Elwha

Free Paper Session 2 – Intracranial Pressure and Synostosis Outcomes

Session Chairs: Owase Jeelani (United Kingdom), Jonathan Burge (Australia)

2:25 PM
680-Patterns of Intracranial Pressure Across Craniosynostosis Subtypes: A Comprehensive Analysis Using Optical Coherence Tomography
Presenter: Carlos Barrero (United States)
Authors: Carlos Barrero, Natalie Plana, Matthew Pontell, Connor Wagner, Lauren Salinero, Scott Bartlett, Jesse Taylor, Jordan Swanson
Institution: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, United States

2:33 PM
86-Anomalous Venous Collaterals in Apert and Crouzon Syndrome are Related to Ventricle Size
Presenter: Iris Cuperus (The Netherlands)
Authors: Iris Cuperus, Irene Mathijssen, Jip Mulders, Marie-Lise van Veelen, Marjolein Dremmen
Institution: Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

2:41 PM

2:49 PM
640-Avoiding VP Shunt in Syndromic Facio-Craniosynostosis: 20 Year Experience in Necker Hospital
Presenter: Giovanna Paternoster (France)
Authors: Giovanna Paternoster, Syril James, Federico Di Rocco, Eric Arnaud, Christian Sainte Rose
Institution: Necker Enfants Malades, Paris, France

2:57 PM
591-Management of Hydrocephalus in a Cohort of Patients with FGFR Mutations and Craniosynostosis
Presenter: Amparo Saenz (United Kingdom)
Authors: Amparo Saenz, Juling Ong, Greg James
Institution: Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, London, United Kingdom

3:01 PM
92-Patient Tailored Surgery in Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome: Analysis of Reoperation for Intracranial Hypertension
Presenter: Chris Parks (United Kingdom)
Authors: Arthur R. Kurzbuch, Ben Cooper, Anusha Hennedige, Chris Parks
Institution: Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Neurosurgery, Craniofacial Unit, Liverpool, United Kingdom

3:05 PM

3:13 PM
68-The Impact of Cranial Vault Expansion on Brain and Cerebrospinal Fluid Volumes for Cephalocranial Disproportion in Slit Ventricle Syndrome
Presenter: Kate Carroll (United States)
Authors: Kate Carroll, Benjamin Massenburg, Ezgi Mercan, Amy Lee, Richard Hopper
Institutions: Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA, United States; University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States

3:21 PM
586-Quality Improvement Rounds in Action: A Consensus Approach to ICP in Craniosynostosis
Presenter: David Moon (Australia)
Authors: David Moon, Damian Marucci, Michael Rtshiladze, Christopher Forrest
Institution: Sydney Children’s Hospital Network, Sydney, NSW, Australia

3:25 PM
506-Craniosynostosis and Chiari I Malformation Managed with Middle 1/3 Calvarial Vault Expansion
Presenter: Krystal Tomei (United States)
Authors: Krystal Tomei, Brian Rothstein, Howard Wang, Edward Davidson, Anand Kumar
Institution: Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH, United States

3:29 PM

3:37 PM
613-Thirty-Year Experience Treating Syndromic Craniosynostosis: Long-Term Outcomes Following Cranial Vault Expansions
Presenter: Jeffrey Fearon (United States)
Authors: Jeffrey Fearon, Kanlaya Ditthakasem, Lucas Harrison, Morley Herbert
Institution: The Craniofacial Center, Dallas, Texas, United States

3:45 PM
507-The Oxford Craniofacial Unit Experience with 67 Cases of Muenke Syndrome (Pro250Arg Mutation) over 40 Years – Demographics, Surgical Management and Outcomes in a Single Unit
Presenter: Steven Wall (United Kingdom)
Authors: Steven Wall, David Johnson, Andrew Wilkie, Gregory Thomas
Institutions: Oxford Craniofacial Unit, Oxford, United Kingdom; OUH NHS Trust, Oxford, United Kingdom

3:49 PM
405-Growth and Morphology of the Endocast in Bicoronal FGFR2-Related Craniosynostosis
Presenter: Feline Steup (France)
Authors: Feline Steup, Ombline Delassus, Maxime Taverne, Ezgi Çetin, Maarten Koudstaal, Giovanna Paternoster, Eric Arnaud, Lara Van De Lande, Roman Khonsari
Institution: Necker – Enfants Malades University Hospital, Paris, France

3:53 PM

4:01 PM
63-Comparative Analysis of Surgical Morbidity of Secondary Frontal Orbital Advancement After Primary Frontal Orbital Advancement for Syndromic and/or Multisutural Craniosynostosis
Presenter: Austin Grove (United States)
Authors: Davinder Singh, Austin Grove, Tom Sitzman, Nicole Kurnik
Institutions: Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Division of Plastic Surgery, Phoenix, AZ, United States; Phoenix Children’s Center for Cleft and Craniofacial Care, Phoenix, AZ, United States

4:05 PM
658-A Single-Center Review of Postoperative Outcomes Following Open Surgical Intervention for Craniosynostosis
Presenter: Mark Urata (United States)
Authors: Mark Urata, Dylan Choi, Collean Trotter, Devon O’Brien, Christopher Tien, Idean Roohani, Sarah Alfeerawi, Tayla Mosha, Sasha Lasky, Jeffrey Hammoudeh, Alexis Johns, Gordon McComb
Institution: Division of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States

4:09 PM
650-Outcomes of Conservatively Managed Craniosynostosis at Skeletal Maturity
Presenter: Peter Anderson (Australia)
Author: Peter Anderson
Institution: Cleft & Craniofacial South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia

4:13 PM

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