2:05 – 3:45 PM

Room: Elwha B

Free Paper Session 8B – Cleft Lip and Alveolar Bone Grafting

Session Chairs: Pedro Santiago (United States), Peter Donkor (Ghana)

2:05 PM
96-Success Rate and Predictors of Outcomes in 900 Alveolar Bone Grafts: A Single Surgeon Cohort Study
Presenter: Bonnie Padwa (United States)
Authors: Bonnie Padwa, Pauline Tio, Prakriti Garkhail, Laura Nuzzi
Institution: Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, United States

2:13 PM
657-A Nationwide Analysis of Adverse Events and Cost Between Inpatient Versus Outpatient Alveolar Bone Grafting
Presenter: Dylan Choi (United States)
Authors: Idean Roohani, Eloise Stanton, Sarah Alfeerawi, Dylan Choi, Collean Trotter, Mark Urata, William Magee, Jeffrey Hammoudeh
Institution: Division of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States

2:17 PM
642-Failure Rates Based on Alveolar Cleft Size: An Analysis of the Critical Size Defect for rhBMP-2/DBM and ICGB in Alveolar Bone Grafting
Presenter: Idean Roohani (United States)
Authors: Idean Roohani, Simon Youn, Sarah Alfeerawi, Pasha Shakoori, Collean Trotter, Dylan Choi, Artur Fahradyan, Mark Urata, William Magee, Jeffrey Hammoudeh
Institution: Keck School of Medicine of USC, Los Angeles, CA, United States

2:21 PM

2:29 PM
682-A Comparison of Three-Dimensional Cone Beam Computed Tomography Outcomes Between Early Versus Late Secondary Alveolar Bone Grafting in Patients with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
Presenter: Stephen Yen (United States)
Authors: Jeffrey Hammoudeh, Idean Roohani, Xuanyu Lu, Simon Youn, Sarah Alfeerawi, Stephen Yen, Mark Urata
Institution: Department of Dentistry and Orthodontics, Los Angeles, CA, United States

2:33 PM
269-What Defines ‘Success’ in Autologous Alveolar Cleft Bone Grafting? A Meta-Analysis of 132 Studies with 8751 Patients
Presenter: Bianca Di Chiaro (United States)
Authors: Bianca Di Chiaro, Akriti Choudhary, Sofia Aronson, Chad Purnell
Institution: Loyola University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, United States

2:37 PM
654-Assessment and Validation of Preoperative Three-Dimensional Volumetric Analysis to Predict Bone Graft Success in Alveolar Cleft Reconstruction
Presenter: Jeffrey Hammoudeh (United States)
Authors: Pasha Shakoori, Idean Roohani, Simon Youn, Sarah Alfeerawi, Collean Trotter, Dylan Choi, Artur Fahradyan, Mark Urata, William Magee, Jeffrey Hammoudeh
Institution: Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Los Angeles, CA, United States

2:41 PM
185-It’s Hip to Go Home: An Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of Outpatient Alveolar Bone Grafting
Presenter: David Mitchell (United States)
Authors: David Mitchell, Chioma Obinero, Jessica Nye, Jackson Green, Michael Talanker, Phuong Nguyen, Matthew Greives
Institution: UTHealth Houston McGovern Medical School, Houston, TX, United States

2:45 PM

2:53 PM
458-A Single Institution Comparison of Furlow and Straight Line Palatoplasty Techniques in Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
Presenter: Priyanka Naidu (United States)
Authors: Priyanka Naidu, Collean Trotter, Dylan G. Choi, Idean Roohani, Sarah Alfeerawi, Pasha Shakoori, Mark Urata, Jessica A. Lee, William P. Magee III, Jeffrey Hammoudeh
Institution: Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, United States

3:01 PM
515-Pedicled Buccal Fat Pad Flap Inclusion in Primary Palatoplasty Mitigates Velopharyngeal Insufficiency Risk and Severity in Patients with Cleft Palate
Presenter: Nathan Sheppard (United States)
Authors: Nathan Sheppard, Melissa Daniel, Megan Dietze-Fiedler, Christian Vercler, Steven Kasten, Steven Buchman, Raquel Ulma
Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

3:05 PM
336-Evaluation of Optimal Outcome Reporting (OOR) in Cleft Palate Repair
Presenter: Daniel M. Balkin (United States)
Authors: Daniel M. Balkin, Joseph Incorvia, Christopher D. Hughes, Liza Catallozzi, Roseanne Clark, Ann W. Kummer, John G. Meara
Institutions: Boston Children’s Hospital, Department of Plastic & Oral Surgery, Boston, MA, United States; Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States

3:09 PM

3:16 PM
474-Buccal Flap During Primary Furlow Palatoplasty Decreases Likelihood of Velopharyngeal Insufficiency in Patients with Cleft Palate
Presenter: Shuyan Wei (United States)
Authors: Shuyan Wei, Jose Barrera, James Klugh, Michael Talanker, Stephanie White, Kim-Loan Luu, Phuong Nguyen, Matthew Greives
Institution: University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, United States

3:20 PM
229-Prenatal Ultraviolet Exposure and Risk of Orofacial Clefts: A United States Birth Analysis
Presenter: Giap Vu (United States)
Authors: Giap Vu, Sara Neimanis, Howard Langstein, Clinton Morrison
Institution: University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, United States

3:24 PM
661-Impact of Suprazygomatic Maxillary Nerve Block on Opioid Use and Postoperative Outcomes in Syndromic and Non-Syndromic Children Undergoing Palatoplasty
Presenter: Krystof Stanek (United States)
Authors: Krystof Stanek, Carolyn Rogers-Vizena, Lisa Nussbaum, Walid Alrayashi
Institutions: Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, United States; Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States

3:28 PM
589-Pattern of Catch-Up Growth in Patients with Cleft Palate Using Longitudinal Physical Growth Data from Infancy to Adolescence
Presenter: Sungmi Jeon (South Korea)
Authors: Sungmi Jeon, Sukwha Kim, Byung Jun Kim, Jee Hyeok Chung, Seung-Hak Baek
Institution: Seoul Metropolitan Government-Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea

3:32 PM
44-Propeller Buccal Myomucosal Flap: Anatomical Study and Preliminary Experience in 25 Primary Cleft Palate Reconstructions
Presenter: Anthony DeLeonibus (United States)
Authors: Anthony DeLeonibus, Vikas Kotha, Samantha Maharani, Brian Figueroa, Majid Rezaei, Nicholas Sinclair, Ying Ku, Lianne Mulvihill, Bahar Bassiri Garb, Antonio Rampazzo
Institution: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, United States

3:36 PM

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